There are quite a lot of food blogs coming out nowadays. I myself read them to know about new places I could try out during the weekends, confirm how I feel about a certain restaurant or sometimes just to let time pass in an entertaining way. Food blogs usually speak of how awesome restaurants are, how certain dishes of this place are far better than their competition’s or how they would raise their “two thumbs” for this and that new discovery.

What I don’t like about such food blogs though is that they usually only talk about how gastronomically delightful restaurants’ dishes are. Are those blogs realistic? I doubt it. Are there really that many "good-blog-review" worthy restaurants here? It’s practically common knowledge that many (if not most) bloggers are getting paid in cash or in coupons to deliver good reviews for eateries. That’s terrible! Why are these bloggers even blogging!

Bloggers like these should instead try landing jobs in ad agencies where they can gain materially from their writing. Blogging shouldn’t be a business; it’s a medium through which people can respect and share opinions, not a way to get free meals for your friends and family.

I offer my blog as an alternative. Obviously, it’s not for money-making. No one would actually pay not to be on my blog, and besides, they wouldn't know who I am. I’ve chosen to keep this blog anonymous mainly because I think the harassment I’ll attract for writing negative stuff about certain restaurants won’t be worth it. So why write a blog like this at all?

One, I LOVE to eat! Over the years, I think I’ve developed a palate capable of distinguishing good food from bad. Two, I love to try new places. I like the fact that restaurant concepts from abroad are making their way here be it through international franchises or similar-themed eateries opening at the Fort, Greenbelt or wherever. Three, I hate it when restaurants serve subpar food at par prices, which is better known to me as a “highway robbery”. It really sucks to see profit-driven fake restaurateurs who are easily blinded by the fame and fortune of the business and forget the true key factors to opening a good restaurant: food, environment, service and cost.

Everyone in the food business should know that a good bang for their customer’s buck means more return customers, which in turn means more profit. Entrepreneurs who do not believe in this are, ironically, now my primary source of strength for writing this blog. Because of them, I’m now excited not only to be awed by a restaurant but also to be disappointed by it.

So I present to you Not Worth Eat: A guide on which restaurants NOT to try. Happy reading, and prepare to be de-appetized! Don't tell me I didn't warn you…

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Sumo Sam, The Sumo Master of Deception

*jonokuchi (序の口) is The lowest division of Sumo Wrestlers, Sam must be one.
**To Sumo Sam and to the ones who still enjoy eating there, this is your wake up call.

Imagine being held hostage, your kidnappers asking for a huge ransom. As you gulp down your food, measly in terms of both quality and quantity, you feel a profound sense of bitterness since you know you’ll be surrendering wads of your hard-earned cash to criminals who can’t even feed you a decent meal. If you’re having difficulty imagining the scenario, I have a suggestion that will help: Have a meal at Sumo Sam. The experience is no different. 

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