There are quite a lot of food blogs coming out nowadays. I myself read them to know about new places I could try out during the weekends, confirm how I feel about a certain restaurant or sometimes just to let time pass in an entertaining way. Food blogs usually speak of how awesome restaurants are, how certain dishes of this place are far better than their competition’s or how they would raise their “two thumbs” for this and that new discovery.

What I don’t like about such food blogs though is that they usually only talk about how gastronomically delightful restaurants’ dishes are. Are those blogs realistic? I doubt it. Are there really that many "good-blog-review" worthy restaurants here? It’s practically common knowledge that many (if not most) bloggers are getting paid in cash or in coupons to deliver good reviews for eateries. That’s terrible! Why are these bloggers even blogging!

Bloggers like these should instead try landing jobs in ad agencies where they can gain materially from their writing. Blogging shouldn’t be a business; it’s a medium through which people can respect and share opinions, not a way to get free meals for your friends and family.

I offer my blog as an alternative. Obviously, it’s not for money-making. No one would actually pay not to be on my blog, and besides, they wouldn't know who I am. I’ve chosen to keep this blog anonymous mainly because I think the harassment I’ll attract for writing negative stuff about certain restaurants won’t be worth it. So why write a blog like this at all?

One, I LOVE to eat! Over the years, I think I’ve developed a palate capable of distinguishing good food from bad. Two, I love to try new places. I like the fact that restaurant concepts from abroad are making their way here be it through international franchises or similar-themed eateries opening at the Fort, Greenbelt or wherever. Three, I hate it when restaurants serve subpar food at par prices, which is better known to me as a “highway robbery”. It really sucks to see profit-driven fake restaurateurs who are easily blinded by the fame and fortune of the business and forget the true key factors to opening a good restaurant: food, environment, service and cost.

Everyone in the food business should know that a good bang for their customer’s buck means more return customers, which in turn means more profit. Entrepreneurs who do not believe in this are, ironically, now my primary source of strength for writing this blog. Because of them, I’m now excited not only to be awed by a restaurant but also to be disappointed by it.

So I present to you Not Worth Eat: A guide on which restaurants NOT to try. Happy reading, and prepare to be de-appetized! Don't tell me I didn't warn you…

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Sumo Sam, The Sumo Master of Deception

*jonokuchi (序の口) is The lowest division of Sumo Wrestlers, Sam must be one.
**To Sumo Sam and to the ones who still enjoy eating there, this is your wake up call.

Imagine being held hostage, your kidnappers asking for a huge ransom. As you gulp down your food, measly in terms of both quality and quantity, you feel a profound sense of bitterness since you know you’ll be surrendering wads of your hard-earned cash to criminals who can’t even feed you a decent meal. If you’re having difficulty imagining the scenario, I have a suggestion that will help: Have a meal at Sumo Sam. The experience is no different. 

The Sumo Sam management has fooled a lot of customers, and I'm ashamed to admit  I recently became one of them. After my dining experience with them, for the first time ever, I left a restaurant feeling ashamed -- ashamed because I knew that I'd been had, that I'd fallen into their trap. And while there may be other restaurants that fool their customers the same way, how blatantly this restaurant does so is just plain shocking. I guess it's out of a longing for revenge that I'm writing this entry. Yes, Sumo Sam, you may have fooled me, but you're not going to get away with it just like that.

California Roll, Php258
The only part of this dish that needed to be cooked was the rice, which is most probably why this dish tasted pretty decent. What upsets me though is how the dish was prepared and priced.

Deception: Only tiny bits of mango and cucumber were in the roll and were topped with probably 1 or 2 pieces of pulled crabstick drizzled with a lot of mayonnaise. Cost cutting strategy, perhaps?

Tofu Steak, Php289

This is not how Tofu Steak should look! And just 3 short strips of fatty beef for the whole dish? To make matters worse, the tofu they used had a sour flavor and a coarse texture. Obviously, they settled for low-quality tofu and had the guts to charge a high-quality-tofu price for it. And excuse me, flooding the tofu with sauce won't mask its substandard quality.

Deception: The serving size can make customers feel that they’re getting a bang for their buck. But in reality, Sumo Sam can afford to serve larger-than-usual portions because the poor-grade tofu they use obviously costs less.

Ebi Tempura, Php410
Having survived two disappointing dishes, I was pretty surprised, when this arrived at our table. The pieces were pretty sizeable, a bit bigger than those from other restaurants. But as soon as I looked closely, I kind of had a bad feeling about the dish. What I found were clumps of tempura bits with a teeny tiny bit of prawn.

Deception: Although it was fried well and the breading tasted okay, it was two-thirds breading and one-third pulled and extended prawns. Unextended, the tempura would have been a quarter and three-quarters. To think, they were charging Php80 for each piece! Geez!

Japanese Fried Rice, Php 110
We were held up here. What you see in the picture is already almost all the meat there is in this buttery tasting dish.

Deception They use a large bowl of rice to make you think that the serving is big, but actually, only a very small amount of meat and vegetables are in it. Did Sumo Sam think I came to his restaurant for a session of “kain karpintero” (a small amount of viand partnered with loads of rice)?

I noticed that they have a lot of new items on their menu, most of which are those that are popular in other restaurants (tonkatsu, Japanese pizzas, ramen and pepper lunches). Instead of riding food trends, why can’t Sumo Sam expend energy on improving their sub-par basic dishes? Just a thought.

My Ratings

For a minute there I thought I was dining at Tokyo Tokyo.
They knew a lot about their dishes, but when they’re spoken to in Filipino, maybe they shouldn’t answer back in English. I was actually kind of doing them a favor.
Nice place, has that modern Japanese feel. Another form of deception? 
Price Level:
Even if the prices were at ¥(Yen, Php1=¥2), it's still overpriced.
Never Again!

Better Alternatives

Priced almost the same, quality is far better. Best Nabeyaki Udon I've had.
Very good Japanese food at almost the same price (if you dont order the steak).
Nihon Bashi Tei:           

Gives you a feel like you are dining in Japan.

Don't tell me I didn't warn you!
Hoy Sam, kung ayaw mong mawalan ng customer umayos ka, sabihan mo rin yang mga kaibigan mong si John, si Yoko yung boss niyo, si Mr. Kurosawa. Pati yang mga Chinese at Italyano mong dabarkads, sabihan mo rin, sila Komrad at si Marciano. 

Follow me on Twitter! @notwortheat


  1. Hay! I fell on their trap too! Feel robbed and hungrier after eating at their restaurant.. Sana nag teriyaki boy na lang ako.. Cheaper at mas satisfying pa compared to this sumosam.. Not authentic japanese or little tokyo level pero naman lokohan talaga sa sumosam! Never will i come back!

    1. Welcome to the "held up" team. Disappointing diba? Actually with teriyaki boy, same quality lang makukuha mo but it will cost a lot lower! Tama ka, Never! Spread the word! Together let's make Manila a happier eating place!

  2. Sumo sam and all their affiliated restaurants have equally bad and overpriced food! Thank you for writing this entry to show that not all celerity owned restaurants are worthy of their claims!

    1. Only the marketing and publicity I believe is good with this restaurant hence a lot of customers despite poor quality food. Kawawa naman the other similarly priced and much better Japanese restaurants which are supposed to be getting a good share of patrons.

  3. What branch is this?

  4. Replies
    1. No naman.. I think this helps them correct their mistakes.. Take it as a constructive criticism.. They can still improve naman eh.. Kung guato nilang gawin..

  5. I'm waiting for you to write about the new restaurants at Fort Bonifacio High Street Central.. half of them are overpriced and just plain awful.

    1. Like what? email them to me at! If I agree with you, you'll see them here in the blog! :) Let's make Manila a happier eating place!

  6. This is my cousin's franchise.

    1. Then let him/her know.. So they can correct/save their restaurant.. Sayang naman kasi.. They can have customers because of good marketing pero they will not come back after their bad experience so lugi din di ba?

    2. Hello! Show this to your cousin! Its meant to help them. Think of it as customer feedback although i think its the company's call to make changes and not the franchisee. Cheers.

    3. This is other peoples hard earned money and livelihood and for you it's just a way for you to make your blog more popular.

      I hope karma gets you soon, remember you can't hide and people will know who you are eventually.
      Get a life loser.

    4. Anonymous December 7, 2012 10:30 AM: YOU SHOULD BE THE ONE GETTING A LIFE. This Blog is meant for Constructive Criticism and take it with a grain of salt. Or baka naman isa ka sa may-ari nitong resto. XD

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. I hope there won't be any fighting and foul language in the comments part of the blog. Everything on my blog is just my opinion and as one of the commenters said, is best taken as constructive criticism.

      Think about it, if these restaurants continue with sub-par performance, where would they end up? Better yet, where would their hard-earned, invested money end up?

      I love the fact that there is argument here but I hope we just keep it at that. No foul language and useless comments please. Cheers!

  7. I hope this place closes down soon. I don't care if the owners/franchisees looses yun life savings nila.

    Survival of the fittest, ganun talaga.

    1. Better if they improve, sayang may base na sila.

  8. While I initially thought that the idea of this site was noble it is slowly turning to be a trolling and hate site. It was entertaining at first but now I can see the real motive behind this site.

    I hope you get a real kick out of it and I really hope it is worth it for you.

    1. Really? Never have there been any ill intentions. Everything written here is based on honest opinion. Keep posted! you can email me your comments and suggestions at! Cheers! :)

    2. No ill intentions? are you sure? you exaggerate your bad reviews just to get noticed, you ridicule everything from presentation to the staff and on your reviews you ask readers not to visit a particular restaurant if you get one or two bad dishes.

  9. may nag-aaway na sa blog. ibig sabihin it has arrived haha!

    1. haha I think that's what the blog owner really wanted, a controversial blog in his quest for relevance on the net.

    2. Yes exaggerated bad reviews with bad photos done on purpose, this is another Bryan Boy in the making haha

    3. I just hope in time there will be more restaurants that will be Worth It(Eat)! Kaya nga tayo kumakain sa labas, right? Sorry about that, will bring a nicer camera next time! :) And less harsh comments?

  10. Hope you guys like my new blog, Mwah!!!

  11. kaya pala same style, same owner pala yun blog na ito.

  12. I agree with everything you wrote here!
    I had lunch at Sumo Sam in Powerplant and I had the Tofu Steak as well.
    Your review is really spot on!

  13. Do not be deterred friend. All these anonymous people are probably affiliated. Haters gotta hate!
    Your reviews are actually way less harsh than real food critics esp abroad who show no mercy. And to think they even market "MR.KUROSAWA by sumo sam?" Is that a blatant warning? LOL.

    Also I agree with one of the comments above. There are a ton of totally not worth eat restos in BGC!

    1. yes feature the restaurants at BGC, let them bleed.

    2. Thanks for the support. Whenever i dine at The Fort, I go to the reliables, Nolita, Mango Tree, Gaudi, The Cake Club among a few. Where in particular do you think is NWE?

    3. Las Flores, Wildflour just to name a few. My beef is that they charge exorbitant prices for uninspired, mediocre food albeit with just nice adjectives in the menu. Mango Tree is wildly inconsistent btw and to me, NWE. But that's my opinion.

    4. While I agree with some of the good restos, I do not agree with Mango Tree. The food is overpriced for the taste. People's Palace in Greenbelt, Nav in Kapitolyo, Krung Thai in Marikina's public market, and Spices in Dusit Thani are the best.

      I will agree with Gaudi in Serendra, though. Their Chuleton Villagodio is to die for!

  14. Happy New Year, ingat sa paputok kasi baka maputukan ka friend.

  15. Just stumbled upon this blog and I can see its potential, while I agree with some of the reviews here some I feel are just blatantly wrong and some I can't comment upon because I haven't tried yet.

    - Sumo Sam
    - Johnny Rockets
    - Sizzling Pepper Steak
    - BBQ Republic

    - Pino- really? if this place isn't good for you then I don't know whats good for you.
    - Ramen Bar- this is one of my favorite places for ramen along with Ukkokei and Mitsuyado and I know my ramen since I lived and worked in Japan for 7 years.

    - North Park - This is cheap Chinese fast food, what did you expect?

    Anyway good luck with your blog and hope your future reviews will be more accurate and your writing more objective.

    On another note check out, they write really objective and well researched reviews:

    1. yup i don't agree with how you wrote the review on Pino. I hope you do more research before you write a review.
      Ramen bar, haven't tried it yet.

      Johnny Rockets, SPS and Sumo Sam... yeah they suck.
      Bad service, bad food, overpriced.
      The whole Sumo Sam group of restaurants should either close down or hit the tokyo-tokyo market.

  16. damn im straving.

  17. Would like to know if this blog will have further updates? It's sad that you seem to have stopped. Please don't let the naysayers stop you. Or the cybercrime bill (which has been put on hold indefinitely by the Supreme Court). You have been giving the negative opinion that any regular patron who is not satisfied would give, except you do it via a blog while a regular patron would probably just say it to his/her friends and relatives (word-of-mouth, in other words). That there are naysayers is to be expected, but you have the right to free speech and expression, and they cannot and should not stop you. I sense no malice in what you have written. Instead, you have just been expressing the feelings of a regular restaurant-goer who is dissatisfied with whatever that particular restaurant had to offer at the time you were patronizing the establishment. Please do continue this blog as I feel it can do a service to the general public as to what to expect from restaurants that do not perform as expected.

  18. I think the owner of this blog committed suicide, god bless his soul.

  19. Kawawa naman itong blogger, all he wanted was some attention lang which he didn't get from his family and school =(

  20. i just ate at sumo sam at gateway mall and the waiter could not describe the burger i wanted then after ordering it, he says all burgers are unavailable. so i settled for a teriyaki dish and a mango shake. half way through my meal, the mango shake arrives. di ba dapat the drinks come first? anyway, the ice particles are so huge i could not use a straw. i settled for a spoon to find out i could not use a spoon either kasi the ice was so big. that was the worst mango shake in my life! you try to relax for lunch but now i got so upset! nakakasira ng mood. dapat when they open a restaurant, ready and trained na yung mga workers. if they are not ready to properly serve customers, they should not open at all!

  21. you have to try wafu greenhills I think you should blog about it... Makes sumo sam look like a saint

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Amazing blog and very interesting stuff you got here! I definitely learned a lot from reading through some of your earlier posts as well and decided to drop a comment on this one!


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